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1868 - 1875

In 1868 Cand. Eng . Carl Conrad Kjær bought the match stick factory Hintz & Co. in Christianshavn owned by Hans Peter Danker and sought to establish the factory in the newly constructed building in Thyrasgade 5 Kjær began to rebuild the ground floor with ovens for the various processes and in early 1869 he got the permission and could begin the production.

There was , however, a number of complaints from local residents because of the unpleasant smells from the factory and he therefore he should raise the chimney. He had meanwhile seen an empty factory premises in the nearby Allergade 15 and along with one of his acquaintances, sea captain Albert Andreas Gottlieb he got the permission to build the plant there and  immediately after they moved the machinery and equipment to the new premises . The next years the factory subsequently underwent some alterations, like that was installatio of a steam engine.

In 1873 Gottlieb resigned from the firm and the Kjær continued as sole proprietor under the name "Chemical match stick factory by C.C. Kjær " .

Also Kjær had during discussions of the match stick law pointed out that the adoption could be the plant's death and when it was adopted in 1874 , he decided immediately to publish an advertisement in the newspaper and put it up for sale .

It was probably Pallesen , who bought the machines of Kjær , who traveled to Sweden , where he was employed as an engineer and principal at Anna Berg Match Factory and later joined Svenska Tändstickfabriks Aktiebolaget , where he also joined the board.

1838 - Benjamin Hellmann
1840 - Rohmell´s fabrikker
1841 - Ramsing & Stonor
1842 - Hans Andreas Reuter
1842 - Anne Marie Granberg
1843 - Hans Diderich Schmilau
1843 - Frederik Georg Kølbel
1843 - Carl Axel Hörner
1843 - Carl Peter Rolff
1843 - Christian Peter Beck
1843 - Christophersen og Nielsen
1843 - Johan Carl Müller
1844 - Svovlstikkefabrikken Møllegade
1844 - Arnold Theofilus Müllertz
1844 - Carl Ferdinand Gundorph

1844 - Hassing og Smith
1844 - Carl Frederik Kryger
1844 - Peter Conradsen
1844 - Philip Åkermann
1845 - Niels Thuesen
1846 - Niels Sørensen
1847 - Rasmus Rasmussen
1847 - Søren og Jørgen Brummer
1848 - Frederik Hansen
1850 - Greens fabrikker
1850 - Carl Johan Staal
1850 - Peder Andersen
1853 - Gümoes & Beeken
1853 - Johan Wilhelm Otto
1857 - Carl Abraham Metz
1858 - Anders Sørensen & Co.
1862 - Sørens Larsen Sørensen

1864 - Randers Tændstikfabrik
1864 - Rasmus Langeland Mathiesen
1864 - Hintz & Co
1864 - Ludvig Hintze
1865 - Aalborg Svovlstikkefabrik
1865 - Peter Nielsen
1865 - Hans Jørgensen Svovlstikkefabrik
1865 - Adolph Madsen
1865 - Andreas Bernhard Bryndum
1866 - Carl Meyling
1866 - Lund & Hartmann
1867 - Johan Wilhelm Krause
1868 - Peter Christian Petersen

1868 - Kjær & Gottlieb
1872 - Pallesen & Davidsen
1875 - Kronen og Nørrebros tændstikfabrik
1876 - H.E. Gosch & Co
1884 - Tændstikfabrikken Merkur
1886 - Maare Tændstikfabrik
1890 - Norden og Godthaabsvej

1897 - Københavns Tændstikfabrik
1899 - Internationalt Tændstikkompagni

1901 - Tændstikfabrikken Glødefri
1901 - Købmændenes Tændstikfabrik
1901 - Københavns Tændstikfabrik & Merkur
1904 - Hellerup Tændstikfabrik

1907 - Otto Miram
1908 - KET & Union Allumettière
1916 - Frantz Nehammer
1921 - Hellerup & Glødefri
Other factories